With my own Presence: A Journey around my Room

"With my own presence: A Journey around my room" (2003-2007) is a contemplative trip in everyday life, a very personal look at our routines and pleasures in the comfort of home. The project took place in the different houses where I lived for 4 years: Madrid, my hometown, and later in England. This personal journey ended the moment I decided to live with my partner, again in another country, thus emerging another project with other questions: With your presence: Domestic Visions (2007-2009).

During the development of my project, I found that the true pioneer of the so-called "room-travel" was Xavier de Maistre, a writer and traveller who in 1795 wrote his book "A Journey Around my Room", based on his domestic experiences after being sentenced to a long forty -two day house arrest. 

On my journey through my living spaces, daily moments that make up the comfort of my home are collected as self-portraits: habits of getting up, going to the bathroom, taking a nap on the sofa,etc... There are also shots taken from my windows, balconies, views in the garden... All of them small expeditions, that, in my opinion,would not be less exciting than the great, more expensive and risky expeditions of other great adventurers.

My work explores the definition of ​​home, not as a physical place, but as a state of mind.

© Susana I. Espana

© Susana Espanasite by Bluekea