Memories of an Empty Day

Work in progress (2022-...)

"Memories of an Empty Day"  arises after me becoming aware of the separation and greater independence of my children. It is not about the empty nest, but it is about the change in the mother-child relationship at the time of adolescence. 

I begin to have more moments for myself, being alone at home, walking in the neighbouring park, and after closing the door of the house, feeling emptier than ever that day. This project reflects the awareness of moments of emptiness, when my role as a mother changes as my children become adolescents.

Both in philosophical thinkers (Heidegger is one of them) and in Zen Buddhism, the importance of letting things manifest as they are within their temporal situation is highlighted, without trying to give them a lasting essence through conceptual thinking. I suppose that to understand a change, it is necessary to empty oneself and accept the arrival of new possibilities. It is a fertile void, because there is an experience that has ended, but at the same time it already contains seeds of what is going to emerge. With that thought I continue photographing my family and my daily surroundings.

© Susana Espanasite by Bluekea