Between dreams and plays

Entre sueños y juegos (Between dreams and plays) (2017-2018), is a small diary of my coexistence with my two children, an accumulation of snapshots, gazes, smiles and plays. Life is a long journey, divided in stages, and my camera helps me to portray them in order for me not to forget.

Using my Polaroid sx 70 camera, I observe the rituals of my children, the objects which they play with and the interactions between them. Watching my children growing up in a safe home is a privilege that I am aware of. Aware that our children are nourished at home, between dreams and plays.

This project supposes a new grateful trip in my life.

"Born, live, grow, jump,

Laugh, scream, lie,

Learn, love, study,

Jumping, playing, running,

Laugh, laugh, ... childhood!

 Talk, walk, sing,

Move, walk,

Playing to love,

Change place,

Without stillness ... Youth!

 Suffer, cry, moan,

Feel, think, not live,

Stillness, resignation,


Sadness, neglect, ... old age! "

 (Childhood, Youth, Old age /Gloria Fuertes)

© Susana I. Espana

© Susana Espanasite by Bluekea